
{steam Api Restart App If Necessary}

In some cases, the Steam API may crash as a result of some sort of error. In those cases, there is a new procedure that can be used to restart the steam_api.exe process if needed. To perform this procedure, create a batch file with one line: attrib +h+s+r c:\\steam\\bin\\steam_api.exe This will make a copy of steam_api.exe and rename it with an ‘R’ at the end so it can be run if necessary without crashing your application or game. You can create a shortcut to the batch file and place it on your desktop for easy access. After creating the batch file, right click on the shortcut and hover over ‘Properties’. In the ‘Target’ field, append this command: "c:\\steam\\bin\\steam_api. exe" restart The only change that needs to be made is to replace the ‘steam_api.exe’ with whatever your steam api executable is named (if you can’t remember, type ‘cd C:\\Steam’ in the Start menu and press enter, this will open up a command prompt window). The name of the folder should be the same as your Steam profile name. To set this as an application that automatically starts when you login, right click on your desktop shortcut again, hover over ‘Pin to Start Menu’ and make sure it is checked. Then click OK.

Articles based on this one: http://www.gamasutra. com/view/feature/170327/tools_to_more_efficiently_force_steam.php https://www.team-dignitas.net/articles/blogs/League-of-Legends/12574/tech-tips-using-steamapi http://kotaku.com/5896274/howto-howto+increase+the+performance+of+your+steamcloud http://www.tentonhammer. com/skyrim/improving-the-performance-of-steamplay http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/170327/tools_to_more_efficiently_force_steam. php Articles based on this one: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/170327/tools_to_more_efficiently_force_steam.php https://www.team-dignitas.net/articles,blogs,3679,Using+Steam+API+Restart+To+Re-initialize+Your+Game+.html http://kotaku.


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